Voice Switch/Brain Switch

Website for an interdisciplinary study called Voice Switch/Brain Switch

About this project


Prototyping, Development

Tools Used

Figma, Wordpress


Responsive Website

Date Completed

May 2021

Voice Switch/Brain Switch is an interdisciplinary study run by a language scientist and a theatre dialect coach. A website was needed to display information and results of their ongoing study. This included text, images, and videos.

Design Process

Prior to the development and design of the website, a logo was provided and was to be used as a centerpiece for the design. Within the logo were six colored dots signifying switches. I made the decision to only include three of those colors (purple, yellow, and black). The website is in its very early stages with very minimal information. It was best to keep the website to one page. Without too much content to work with, incorporating all six colors would be difficult. As well as confusing to the users who normally coordinate color with specific sections and actions.

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Development Process

This website was built using Aurora, a multisite WordPress service provided by UConn’s ITS. I was able to use my extensive knowledge in css to add more customizations to the overall style and layout of the website.


This brief one page website is concise and straightforward. Having developed many websites through Aurora there were not any difficulties I encountered.

voiceswitch website on monitor
Final Product