Digital Experience Group

Website for the Digital Experience Group detailing overview of services

About this project


Prototyping, Visuals, Development

Tools Used

HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Adobe Illustrator


Responsive Website

Date Completed

October 2020

The Digital Experience Group is a multidisciplinary team composed of UConn’s Digital Media & Design faculty members, graduate students, and paid interns. Their services include App Development, UX/UI Design, User Research, and other Technological Innovations.

While working under this group, a website encompassing their services, work, and team was needed.

Design Process

The content for this site was concise which led to the choice of keeping the amount of pages minimal. All information could be shown on a single home page with the only interior page dedicated to past projects. Going forward with this idea, the information on the page was displayed with the most important at the top. This would consist of a short about section, services, and a call to action “contact” button.


Devlopment Process

This website was built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Utilizing the CSS framework Bootstrap also enabled for an easy responsive build.


The website is a great one stop for anybody looking to use the Digital Experience Group’s services. The content is organized and easy to access on any screen as well as checks off any web accessibility concerns.

digital experience website screenshots of homepage, staff, projects, and services sections
Final Product