Covid Surveillance

A one-stop solution for Covid-19 testing information at UConn

About this project


Ideation, Prototyping, Development

Tools Used

Figma, Wordpress


Responsive Website

Date Completed

December 2020

With Covid-19 concerns rising on college campuses students needed a one-stop solution for testing information. The website made contains information on the two largest surveillance testing methods on the University of Connecticut’s campus (wastewater and gargle).

Design Process

This website was made for the students in mind. Therefore, the information was curated to the student body’s understanding. With heavy information, the main part of the design process was configuring the layout so that it was optimal for quick reading. I was able to break down the content given to me into smaller subsections to achieve this.

Gargle Testing (Pooled Testing) Page

Along with the website, a dashboard was made to convey information about positive cases, statuses of isolation beds, wastewater testing results, etc… I took inspiration from many other dashboards popular at the time and conveyed the information in a similar way. To show the data in a way that is not overwhelming, clear grouping needed to be done. Each dataset was enclosed in its own section making it easy for users to view.

covid testing dashboard
Covid Surveillance Dashboard

Development Process

This website was built using Aurora, a multisite WordPress service provided by UConn’s ITS. I was able to use my extensive knowledge in css to add more customizations to the overall style and layout of the website.


With the large amounts of content and information I was given on this project, I was able to successfully compile them into organizational sections and subsections on the website and dashboard. Based on analytics, the testing page dedicated to teaching students how to perform a gargle test shows an average of over three minutes spent on a page. This would mean that students are carefully reading the instructions and learning about the process behind this test.